I am the Nature
We aim at inspiring people to become the ambassadors to promote and support positive actions in our society and support our Mother Earth. The project influences public opinion and attitude of humans to further support individuals and organizations in fighting against man-made global climate change.

About the Project
In September 2019 we launched our new social campaign “Humans of Nature” – emotional and real set of videos and stories about people that have positive impact on our environment. The project influences public opinion and attitude of humans to further support individuals and organizations (both state and private) in fighting against man-made global climate changes.
The goal of the project is to create a catalog (photos, videos and stories) of people living and working in Armenia that support and protect our environment, climate and natural resources by small or big actions they implement in their everyday life. The videos and texts include quotes and short stories from their lives. We hope to have a positive change in people’s mindset and mentality, which will lead us towards green, clean and sustainable future.
Meet the Humans of Nature
Lucine Tonoyan
Lucine Tonoyan is the creator of the “5 minute waste break” initiative in Yerevan. The idea behind this initiative is to free the city from the piles of waste and insinuate responsibility towards waste disposal into the culture.
As the ”Humans of Nature” program is going on we are discovering those heroes who protect our environment and help to keep it clean. To make their voices heard more often, we are collecting and presenting their green stories. Maybe one of them will inspire you!
So, our first hero is Lucine Tonoyan who is presenting her “#5minute #wastebreak” initiative and “Ecomotive” startup.
Lucine started her first initiative when once she was outside for her break and she saw the plastic and cigarette butts on the street. Since then our hero decided that she wasn’t going to wait for the perfect scavenging system, but she will start changing things on her own.
“I decided to regularly collect trash during my lunch break. If I don’t like this, I’m just going to clean the city from trash myself”, notes Lucine.
The first day Lucine did the cleaning on her own but on the second some of her colleagues have also joined the project. Daily they spend 5 minutes from their lunch break to clean the nature. For Lucine it is important not to generate new litter and for that reason the girls use gloves for multiple usage and bags.
Lucine mentions that during every waste break they manage to collect more than 10 plastic bottles, single-use water and coffee cups, more than 100 cigarette butts and plastic bags. Our first ”Human of Nature” has started her initiative since the beginning of July and tells that even when she was away for her vacation, she still kept cleaning surroundings from waste for 5-10 minutes per day.
The number of Lucine’s “fairies” gets bigger and bigger day by day. Lately the participants have also decided to collect only the waste that can be recycled. On her Facebook page Lucine also tells us about the difficulties and barriers that “endlessly energetic, crazy” environmentalists have to deal with by sharing the obstacles related to the eco-friendly lifestyle in Armenia and not being understood by other people as an environmentalist.
But Lucine doesn’t stop here: she has another startup besides the “#5minute #wastebreak” initiative.
As an active environmentalist and an urban gardener she emphasizes the importance of having more green areas in our environment, especially in urban areas. And for that reason she has also started the “Ecomotive” urban gardening startup. Urban gardening is the process of growing various types of plants in the city – both in rooms and outside areas. The main goal of “Ecomotive” is to develop the culture of urban gardening in Armenia by supporting people to find their connection with nature and to have their own green and cozy corner.
Lucine notes that this initiative has started due to her personal needs, the lack of green, and, air pollution in Yerevan. Besides she also very much loves growing and taking care of plants which was also one of her “ecomotives”.
“That’s how “Ecomotive” was created for us and for those who have “ecomotivation”, love growing plants and want to turn their urban apartments, balconies, offices and their environment into a JUNGLE.” Lucine proudly mentions.
The services offered within the initiative are:
- plants which are grown by ”Ecomotive” team,
- Area landscaping (including apartments, balconies, offices) services,
- Green souvenirs and gifts (such as accessories with plant themes (silver jewelry, bags, pillows),
- Interactive gardening events with children,
- Creative vases,
- Eco friendly event management,
- Small urban garden development,
- Creating and sharing ecomotivation
Our hero challenges you to join her at your breaks and create your own urban jungle.
Marianna Karakeyan
Marianna Karakeyan is a true human of nature. She leads an environmentally friendly lifestyle by sorting recyclables before disposal, using eco-friendly multi use bags and bottles. Because of her lifestyle, only in 4 month 40kg of plastic and paper was recycled, instead of ending up in the landfill.
Our “Humans of Nature” initiative which was launched in September, 2019 is progressing. We present real set of stories about people that have positive impact on our environment. This time we are happy to introduce Marian Nemra, who is a member of Nemra rock band (keyboards, back vocals) and a person who takes care of our nature.
Be like our hero and help us to protect our nature by your small or big actions.
If you want to become a member of “Humans of Nature” social initiative, send us an email at info@issdngo.com and tell us how you support our nature.
Ashot Topuzyan
“Everyone should understand that nature are we, in this case no one will throw garbage on his/her face..․”
We have many people who care about nature. Let’s get acquainted with the nature lover.

Ashot Topuzyan is from Javakhk, who grew up in the heart of nature. Now he is studying in the faculty of history at Yerevan State University and he’s also the co-founder of “Trichk” hiking club.
Our “Human of Nature” has spent his entire childhood in a village located high in the mountain, helped his parents in agricultural works and as he says “these were opportunities to be closer to nature since I realized that it is nature that feeds us at the moment”.
Participating in environmental activities from an early age, now Ashot has started organizing various initiatives with his friends. Today we’re going to present two of these initiatives.
Within the “Trichk” initiative, during the hikings, they clean the paths from garbage that was left behind by others, thus combining the pleasant with the useful. All these came true thanks to their compassion and responsibility, as he mentions “I have been hiking for a long time and I have always faced the unpleasant phenomenon when people leave garbage behind them in nature. When the hiking club was formed, our project also included cleaning the routes, as we realized that we are showing our face to the tourist along with the garbage. For example let’s take Thahgkavank- the area around Mount Ara. It’s quite a visited area, which also was cleaned by our efforts. It would be great if there were bins out there.”
By the way, the hikers aren’t even being trained for cleaning. “We don’t tell them that we must clean during the hiking, when we start to pick up the garbage, at the end of the campaign, we find them carrying a bag full of garbage for miles,- he smiles”.
Speaking about the effects of the program, Ashot emphasizes the fact that these campaigns are examples for others not to pollute and clean our environment as much as possible. It’s cool, isn’t it?
The next initiative in which Ashot participates is implemented within the frame of Tigran Abgaryan’s Combat Training Club. They collect useless tires from different corners of Armenia and arrange their transportation to the military posts. Here these tires are used to secure the border. The coordinator of volunteer work in Yerevan is Ashot. This initiative, which is flourishing day by day, has been implemented voluntarily for several years. In the last 2 months, about 100,000 tires were collected just from Yerevan,- hementions.
“In fact, this initiative not only solves the problem of security of military points on the border, but also the environment, freeing the land from useless tires.”
Nature is a teacher to Ashot “it coaches us, educates us, sometimes gets mad at us, punishes us, but if we can discover for ourselves the true value of nature, it will be a perfect unity in our perception. Everyone should understand that we are the nature, in this case no one will throw garbage on his/her face..․”

Lusine Karapetyan
“If you want to change something big in the world, you need to start with small things.”
We brought an extraordinary story for you in this state of emergency. Don’t you think you should read it?
“Human of nature,” Lusine Karapetyan – a person whose heart belongs to Vayots Dzor, brain – to the Earth and soul – to the nature. After graduating from Yerevan State University (Art Department) in 2019, she returned to Vayots Dzor, to her hometown Vayk, where she left all her initiatives.
Lusine tells that her connection with nature started from an early age. She remembers how parents and neighbors destroyed the landfill behind their building and instead built gardens. “Thanks to this all I need to do is to go down the stairs to feel nature, even if I live in the city. We never throw the food away, we always give it to the chickens…”
After working at different companies, Lusine founded Solution Hub Ngo. The Solution Hub Ngo is aimed at community development, youth empowerment, promotion of volunteer work, and sustainable development. She also continues TNAC initiative, which considers the follow-up project of Ecolab.
TNAC is a platform of non-formal education, where young people from different regions of Armenia get together to participate in thematic courses. In 2019 the theme was ecology. “In general, we have focused on engaging people, who aren’t talking about global warming, nor about melting ice, but about minor issues like how to use less plastic, live by having less ecological footprint. And our topics are about that all (we also talked about making cloth bags, the revolt of Amulsar mine)”-tells Lusine.
In March of the same year (before TNAC 2019), Lusine joined the “ZeroWaste”challenge – making her daily life “greener” and without waste.
So, she shared this initiative on social media, inspiring her friends. And do you know what happened: Lusine’s friends began to bring their recyclable waste to Lusine’s house, and parents, grandmom, friends and even the family doctor and his workers began to use reusable bags for shopping. We can’t even know how widespread the online influence is, but it’s there. The proof- “I met a boy last summer, who said that he follows me on social media and after seeing the post about the challenge, he started to have ZeroWaste life. I was the happiest person at that moment”-exults Lusine.
“After these courses in 2019, we decided to do all the next TNAC’s courses about ecology and eco-activism. After April we’re going to start Eco-club, where we will have a course each week.”
Lusine implements these initiatives motivated “by the educational process of giving and learning”.
Today’s “Human of Nature” does this, as she belives “the education will change everything and that’s why what I’m doing it and trying to boost a change in approaches people have to various issues”-marks Lusine.
So, she learns by participating in different courses and educates others by seeing/expecting positive changes. It’s a good approach, isn’t it? Especially “if you think that whatever you do your friends, family, community’s youth, neighbors could copy and do it too and make a contribution, learn something new.”
When we asked what nature is for her, she answered that it’s symbiosis, being part of nature itself.
Lusine sorts the waste at home and grows various plants (she even has a few extra ones to give to anyone who wants them), so she also supports nature, because “If you want to change something big in the world, you need to start with small things”- marks Lusine.
Yelena Amiryan
“We have a powerful generation that is ready to tackle environmental issues.”
Yelena Amiryan knew from a very young age that she would bind her life with nature and its protection.

“My love for nature was formed in my childhood when I was enjoying the beauty of Kasagh river and listening to songbirds. Those moments made me realize that trash should not be thrown in the nature, animals and plants must be loved and cared of.”
As a true goal-oriented person, she entered Department of Ecological Chemistry of Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Khachatur Abovian (ASPU) and graduated from there 4 years later. Remaining faithful to her profession, Yelena continued her studies at the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, where she received her master’s degree. Her research “Open Sustainable School” was conducted to serve as “The Best Model in General Education” in three UNESCO associated schools. The purpose of this study was to expand environmental knowledge among students at different levels of education, develop certain skills, promote orientation in different life situations, and form environmental cultural values. “I am convinced that only education can serve as a powerful tool for maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the planet Earth”, – states Yelena.
Nowadays she works at UNESCO Chair “Education for Sustainable Development” at the Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies National Academy of Sciences, RA. “I have the best job” – confessed Yelena. During her career she has organized a number of environmental events and conducted many training courses.
As part of her job she implements UNESCO’s “Learning for the Future” (LFF) program in the top 15 UNESCO Associated Schools. They work with 10-15 years old school kids. There are two steps of implementation of that program. The first step includes an informal interactive lecture with a presentation about environmental issues and ecological footprint, in the end of which Yelena together with the audience try to find solutions for the exciting problems. She also introduces them a test which can measure their ecological footprint. On the second phase, she goes to the same schools and kids share the changes they made after her first lecture. Five to seven active kids get invitation to visit the laboratory of the Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies National Academy of Sciences, RA where they can participate in different experiments, learn many new things and even bring water from their houses or soil from their gardens to check their quality. They also teach kids how to plant trees and take them for excursions to the botanical park.
Besides hew work, Yelena participates in many events related to ecology, such as: tree planting, beach clean-ups and others. As a member of the Environmental Education Network (EEN) and as an environmental activist she is involved in the “Yeghvard” youth ecological NGO. She gives all her time and heart for saving nature and enjoys it.
Yelena is very optimistic about the future; she sincerely believes that it is possible to improve the current ecological situation and wants to devote her life to that. “I can say for sure that we have a powerful generation who values tomorrow, cares for nature and who is ready to tackle environmental issues.” She has already had positive influence on her family members and some of her neighbors – they sort waste, do not overuse natural resources and take good care of animals. Our hero is convinced that it is possible to change anyone if you use smile and kind words and show them good example.
So, dear readers, let’s all together show others good examples! Please, share with us more stories how you or your friends make the world better (in terms of ecology)!

Narine Piloyan
“Good deeds are transmitting! It goes from one person to another.”
Narine Piloyan is an incredibly kind person and our next Human of Nature. We received a few messages stating that her story deserves to be posted. And we absolutely agree with these people.
Narine is an active nature protector and a person with progressive ideas. She started sorting waste in Secondary School No.2 in Ayntap, where she works as a biology teacher, even before ISSD provided the sorting waste bins there. She tries hard to educate kids about ecological problems along with her classes. But beside her main job, she is coordinating school’s eco-club, which is for kids who are interested in protecting the nature and solving environmental problems. Number of the eco – club members changes from time to time, but on average there are 15 pupils. All together they work at the projects which aim at making the world a better place and improve the current environmental situation. Many of their projects won awards.
Eco – club focuses on several things. A part of their occupation is directed to solve pollution problem. Narine and pupils from the eco-club follow 3R concept (reduce, reuse and recycle) and work hard to teach others to follow them. They found an amazing way how to reuse waste. For many projects pupils use plastic, paper and metal waste. For example, they reuse plastic bags to make big chess figures out of them which are going to be placed in one of the halls of the school for entertainment of pupils during breaks. Plastic bottles are used in numerous projects. One of the things that they made out of plastic bottles is a beautiful fence which protects an area next to a river. Another example of reusing plastic and metal waste can be a hose made from plastic bottles and metal cans which is used for watering trees in the park. Narine says that they plan to use waste to build benches and many other things to decorate one of the areas in the school.
Some other projects of young eco-activists aim at protecting animals. They made a fascinating collection of birds and some other rare animals in real sizes (using waste materials) which appears in Red Book of Armenia. In addition, they made small and handy Read Books with captions about the rare animals. Narine was sadly saying, that the number of some rare animals is decreasing, so kids do their best to educate others about current situation with animals of Armenia and try to prevent irresponsible behavior of potential hunters. Moreover, they build houses for animals (mostly for birds) and feed them regularly.
Narine and members of eco-club have many wonderful and creative ideas on how to improve the current ecological situation of Armenia. One of the ideas is to use more solar energy. Brothers Narek and Nairi Tashjian (eco-club members) have already introduced a model of a fountain which works only by using solar energy. Now they actively work at other projects and try to get more use of solar energy in Armenia.
Besides all indoor projects, Narine and pupils enjoy outdoor activities. They like to participate in different ecological events, exhibitions and festivals. “First, I go to those events alone to check if it’s appropriate for kids and next time I take my team with me” – noted Narine. For instance, they participated in beach clean-up events on Sevan lake and some rivers, tree planting events, park clean-ups, bird-watching and etc.
Thanks to Narine’s hard work, Secondary School No.2 in Ayntap became one of 5 schools in whole Armenia which got a label “Eco-school”. As a prize they expect to receive a greenhouse which will be placed in the garden of the school. The children are extremely excited about that! “It did not happen just because of me, all teachers and the principal supported me and eco-club.”,- stated Narine. She truly believes, if people cooperate with each other, they can make a visible impact into improvement of the environmental situation.
Our hero confessed that she likes hiking and during the hikes she always takes some bags with her, because before returning home she collects garbage that other irresponsible people left in nature. Narine said that at first her friends were critical about her doing that and gave her strange looks, they even chaff her. But now she can see that they also pick-up trash and put them into her garbage bag. “Good deeds are transmitting! It goes from one person to another”,- smiled Narine.
So, we ask all our readers to do a good thing – please, share with us other stories!
Vahan Martirosyan
“Who else if not me?”
Another member of “Humans of Nature” family is Vahan Martirosyan is truly interested in developing his community and motherland in general that’s why he is engaged in numerous projects. A few of those projects intent to improve environmental situation of Armenia.

Vahan confessed that he has always been interested in environment. When he was younger, he used to read about it, not only about global changes but also about local issues. He was third year student when an idea to make changes in his community came to his mind. “People weren’t aware how much it [waste] damaged not only environment but also their health,”- told us concerned Vahan. Then he started collaboration with other communities, got engaged in many activities and courses. Later, he started to partner with “Eco Aghb” NGO where he met other like-minded people.
Vahan did an extensive research to learn about international experience in waste management. Eventually, he came up with inspirational training courses, which aimed at raising awareness and educating young inhabitants of regions of Armenia. Together with “Eco Aghb” they realized Vahan’s environmental project called Zero Waste Communities (within the frames of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility) . Vahan with his team went to 4 regions of Armenia: Tavush, Shirak, Gegharkunik and Yerevan, where they organized 1-day educational modules for participants, using different approaches for different age groups. Later, students from Kotayk heard about the project, so they organized an event themselves and invited Vahan.
For the training courses our nature protector provided self-designed sorting bins (for paper, plastic and polypropylene). They gave participants copybooks with all important information about environmental issues and waste management, including information about waste recycling facilities in Armenia (special maps). Few art workshops were organized for the children to show how to reuse some materials. Vahan also invited foreign volunteers to share international experience and tell the audience about ways waste is managed in their countries. A great encouragement for kids to recycle was greeting from Ryan Hickman, a 9 years old entrepreneur from the USA. All together Vahan educated about 150 participants in regions and 100 in Yerevan. He believes that environmental education is extremely important that’s why it must become a part of traditional education. According Vahan, kids have to learn about nature and ways to protect it from very young age.
In late summer Vahan became one of the organizers of an environmental seminar that gathered about 80 participants, including students, representatives from municipalities, journalists, young European ambassadors, Armenian and foreign experts.
Within the frames of Vahan’s project Zero Waste Communities together with “Eco Aghb”, they saved 3 tons of waste from landfill and sent it to recycling, including 1470 kg of paper and cardboard, 787 kg of plastic, 741 kg of glass, 131 kg of polyethylene. Moreover, students and young kids who participated in educational courses in the regions and Yerevan started to collect waste regularly and encouraged their parents, community members to do it as well.
When we asked Vahan, what made him act towards environmental protection, he simply replied: ”I saw the situation and thought “who else if not me?”
If each of us thinks the same way, all together we can make our beloved homeland cleaner and better place for living. If you know other people who like our hero cares about nature, please, tell us about them!
If you want to become a member of “Humans of Nature” social initiative, send us an email at info@issdngo.com and tell us how you support our nature.

Liana Margaryan
“Don’t work with head, work with your heart.”
We are proud to present our next “Human of Nature” – Dr. Liana Margaryan. We could write a book about her incredible deeds for environmental protection but have to limit ourselves within an article.
Liana is Doctor of Science (Engineering), National Expert on Water Quality, Researcher, Lecturer, Author of over 80 publications (including articles, theses, patents, manuals and books), Environmental trainer and activist.
Her “environmental story” began long time ago, in 2000, when she started studying environmental protection and chemistry in the Yerevan State University. Her curiosity in environmental science turned into passion after second year of her studies, when she had an internship in Republic of Armenia Ministry of Environment – “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” State Non-Commercial Organization (SNCO). “It was another world for me. It was so interesting and practical,”- said Liana. Since that time she has been continuously working in the environmental field.
Liana has 14 years of professional experience in the area of environmental protection, water/air/soil monitoring program development and data analyses and assessment. Being an expert in water sector, she was involved in many projects in Armenia and abroad, which aimed to protect water resources, avoid its bad management and raise public participation and awareness about water recourse management. For example, she worked as a community outreach coordinator in the USAID-funded “Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency of Water” (PURE-Water) Project in Ararat Valley.
Besides water sector, Liana works hard to improve environmental education and raise environmental awareness in her motherland. She works in NGO called Environment and Health which organizes meetings for school teachers and young lecturers from Yerevan State University (Faculties of Biology and Chemistry), Armenian National Agrarian University and AUA Acopian Center for the Environment to discuss the ways of motivating school kids to continue their education in the ecological field and have more eco-friendly lifestyles in general. Within FWPC “Civil Society Development in Yeghegis Community Range” project and with cooperation of National Ozone Unit of Armenia they organized a training for young kids (1st – 2nd grades) where they spoke about environmental issues, explained which people’ actions lead to them and discussed the ways of improving current situation. They talked about water management, carbon cycle and footprint and ozone issues using games and cartoons. The results of the training were great: little kids offered some solutions for improving present environmental situation. Currently they work at creating an environmental quest.
Moreover, Liana has many innovative ideas. As a person, who never stops learning new things, she has gone through numerous courses and programs in different countries and she desires to introduce the best international practice to Armenia. One of her ideas is to use Satellite Imagery data for monitoring blooming on Sevan Lake. It will allow to receive the most correct data about the blooming situation which can help to manage situation fast and effectively. Another Liana’s idea and a future plan is to evolve NGO which she created a few years ago within which she can work at the projects linked to health and environmental changes.
When we asked our hero what is her secret, how she manages to find time to work in different places, participate in many projects, study and be an environmental activist, she said that she heard this phrase: “Do not work with your head but work with your heart” from a person who inspires her and applied that “rule” in her life.
Our nature protector has optimistic expectations. She believes that people can change their mindsets and care more about ecology. “When we started [our projects] in 2004-2005, nobody was thinking about environmental issues, but now there are many environmental activists,” – confessed Liana. “[Now] people started to understand that their actions have some impact on environment and they don’t want to live in pollution.” Liana told us that she can see the progress, even if it is slow but it is definite.
We need your help to make the progress faster! Send us your story or a story of another person who works hard to improve current environmental situation. Heroes and their actions must be known!
Nancy Mkrtchyan
“Sometimes we do not have to talk but act.”
Nancy Mkrtchyan is a 22 years old lady who has already become quite famous in her community and university by her deeds. As an extremely active person she works on projects in many different fields. Ecology is one of them.

Nancy has appeared among our eco defenders in the project “Humans of Nature” because of her in terest in developing her university and ecological situation in general. To begin with, – she was the first person in her university who noticed and realized that the waste situation has to be changed. Nancy convinced the rector to cooperate with ISSD NGO and install waste sorting bins in French University in Armenia.
There were few challenges that she faced related to the innovation. First, nobody would take care of the waste while she was absent from the university. Secondly, students would throw anything in the bins, so Nancy had to separate waste manually. “It took a lot of time and patience” says Nancy. “There were so many times when I wanted to stop. But it did not happen!”
One year has passed since waste bins were installed. During that time, she inspired other students to care about our environment and manage proper use of the bins. Nowadays, many students take active part in waste management of the university when Nancy is absent. Every month they collect about 15 big bags of plastic and paper which is being recycled. Nancy smiled and said: “Even when I graduate, I will go to the university to see what is going on there”. She feels responsible for ensuring that the university continues proper waste management and that her legacy stays alive for many years.
Nancy is extremely enthusiastic and active. She cooperates with a few environmental organizations and hundreds of volunteers who are ready to make changes in Armenia. Our nature saver participated in many clean-up events in her motherland and abroad. Her family, some of her friends and even unknown people were inspired by her and also have changed the way of living. “Everything comes from ourselves. As I changed myself, I believe it is possible for others to change themselves as well. I am ready to help and inspire” mentions Nancy.
Moreover, Nancy uses her social media accounts, which have more than 1000 followers, to share information about environmental situation and ways of improving it. Our hero calls to action and explains why it is important to start making changes now, how people can have more eco-friendly lifestyles, and what consequences of remaining inactive are.
Nancy posits that if everybody makes little changes in everyday life, the ecological situation will significantly improve. “Sometimes we do not have to talk but act” – claims Nancy.
So, are you ready to act?
If you already act towards improving ecological situation or know anyone who does that, please share with us the story, and probably it will appear in the next publication of “Humans of Nature”.

Azatuhi Azat-Khachatryan
Breaking the stereotypes
Azatuhi started to value what she had as soon as she recognized that she could easily find her peace and serenity in her home village Martuni.
After studying in Yerevan and working in Lithuania for a year оur hero found out that people abroad are trying to reestablish what they already had in rural areas of Armenia. And soon she decided to be an example not only for her fellow villagers but for the people of neighboring villages as well.
Azatuhi works and creates in her native village – breaking all stereotypes concerning rural life. She thinks that restaurants, cafe shops, and other entertaining centers are meant for urban life, and the people close to nature find their relaxation in nature itself.
Apparently, she has discovered those ways and represented those in her initiatives. The first initiative was to create a summer camp that develops sustainable ecological thinking and drives children closer to the nature. Within the framework of “My Agrisummer” international camp, the children are given a chance to be a part of farm work. The first participants of the camp were not only from Armenia but also from the USA, Italy, and Russia. There were living with local host families. During one-week camp, the group of children learned about herbs, the nature, bees, cooking, and so on.
Since the adults were interested in the camps as well, a range of events related to apple harvesting, visit to a hundred-year-old guest house, hiking in Miapor and testing local food, were organized. These events are planned to be ongoing and more expanded.
According to Azatuhi, the human-nature bond is too strong and a villagers’ life highly depends on nature, that’s why the cooperation with the nature is so important. Camp was established for this reason! Here the children can take part in all rural activities from A to Z: they gather grass, feed the cows, milk the cows, and make cheese by themselves.
Azatuhi had launched another initiative called «ArArum-Art & Craft in the Village». Our hero notes that her activities take part mostly in an online platform and are not accessible for villagers. That’s why the center where village kids can acquire skills in art and handcrafting, learn languages, study nature, and its effective usage, was founded. This multifunctional center helps her to concentrate all her ideas in one place.
“There are not so many cases when people are happy and motivated to live in a village. In the past, they didn’t have any example of it, but now the population in my village surely sees that it’s possible to live a happy and productive life in the village too” adds Azatuhi proudly.
Azatuhi values the support of her family members and fellow villagers when implementing her projects. The main supporter for Azatuhi is her sister Satenik who also invests her time and energy in the development of the village. For sisters it’s an important reason to continue staying in the village and to have no intention to leave their home village Martuni.
There are a lot of things our hero could share, teach, explain, and if you are inspired by her ideas you can contact her through Facebook. She will give you an opportunity to be closer to nature and to take better care of it.
The project became reality thanks to Coca Cola Foundation’s funding. The main goal of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia is to minimize its environmental impact across the whole value chain, and it is a core target. The company has been setting annual improvement targets since 2004 and has been working towards ambitious 2025 goals. The efficient management of packaging waste and reduction of its possible negative influence on environment are the main directions for the company. Coca-Cola HBC Armenia strives to increase raising awareness and promote the development of sorting culture by creating a sustainable value chain not only during daily business processes but also in the communities.