World Without

November 2022 - December 2023
In partnership with Coca-Cola HBC and the Yerevan Municipality, “World Without Waste” project aims at raising awareness about waste management and recycling by promoting environmental education and practical actions among the schools in Yerevan.

Every school must sort waste
“World Without Waste” project is implemented jointly with Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia and Yerevan Municipality. The project aims to improve the waste management system in Armenia, raising the level of environmental awareness among pupils, as well as supporting the local initiatives that focus on creating a culture of waste collection and recycling, as well as implementing practical activities. As part of the project, pupils compete to sort the maximum amount of plastic and paper, ensuring their responsible recycling.
Promoting a culture of waste sorting among pupils through educational programs is crucial for shaping societal behavior and ensuring the efficient functioning of waste management systems.
schools in Yerevan that sort waste
85 792
students engaged in waste sorting
6 100
kg of plastic sorted and sent for recycling
12 580
kg of paper sorted and sent for recycling
Competition results
During the last three years, 150 public schools in Yerevan have had sorting containers installed for plastic and paper.
To encourage recycling amongst students, a yearly competition was held. The winning school was determined by the quantity of waste sorted per student, with the aim of incentivizing recycling practices.

Project Results
As part of the project, various educational materials were created, including a workbook designed for sixth and seventh-graders, guides and presentations tailored for both students and teachers. Courses are conducted for sixth and/or seventh graders from all participating schools within the program. Training sessions and consultations are arranged for the teachers and school staff, alongside various other activities aimed at fostering the sustainability and growth of the project.