A Step Towards Sustainable Agriculture
The nutrient rich herbs grown in the fertile soil and sunny Armenia will become your favorite ingredient in any dish. By offering herbs in pot we ensure high quality and freshness of the herbs for a long period of time. Depending on the herb you choose, you may enjoy its flavorsome from two weeks till one year.
Armat is a social project to support the villagers of frontier communities to grow and market various aromatic herbs in pots.

The nutrient rich herbs grown in the fertile soil of sunny Armenia will become your favorite ingredient in any dish.
Our culinary herbs can be distinguished not only by their pots, but also by enticing aroma, creative packaging and enhanced shelf-life.
We deliver unique range of herbs – Mint, Basil, Rucola, Rosemary.
All of the herbs are grown with no harmful chemicals or pesticides. Safe and delicious herbs coming directly from the farmer to consumer. With the appropriate care, Armat will continue to flourish at your place. All you will need to do is to follow few easy steps mentioned on the packaging.